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Final Reflexion

I must confess I was a little frustrated with the lack of interaction along the course. I think that new editions of previous courses opened without mentors are doomed to lack of participation. Posting in the forum was like posting to myself. I've also tweeted in #tinkeringMOOC but I got no feedback either.

It was a lonely experience, but I got to play and make things I had not tried before, namely using DC motors and making switches with simple push pins or snaps in sewn artifacts. I also enjoyed making the electric quiz boards.

I've re-programmed in Scratch my Music Painting and made use of the back connections of Makey Makey extending to 11 music clips. I had not explored the jumping wires in these output connections.

The resources, readings and videos made available in the course were much in line with my own pedagogical perspective, so it was nice to re-visit constructionism and Seymour Papert. 

I explored many more videos in Youtube and Vimeo as well as websites related to tinkering, electric circuits, mechanical devices and electronic resources, So I have extended my collections in Pinterest - -

As I work with a community of teachers I also shared much of what I have explored and found interesting.

I think there's much value in constructing things to test if they work or what kind of errors one makes and how to solve them. There's value to pursue alternative solutions, like sewing with thin copper wires instead of conductive thread, when one doesn't have the proper material.

I always get fascinated with so simple and old fashioned mechanisms like the automata toys, the magic lanterns, etc. Making these artifacts turns more real the learning about kinetics and other areas of physics. From a toy you can extrapolate for other complex systems.

I completed a video I was planning to edit with resources I had designed and programmed with Makey Makey and Scratch - I made another video with the electric projects I have produced for this course - . I have made a few photo collages with other resources I have produced for this course - sensory materials and cardboard toys which I have displayed in my course e-portfolio.

In sum, looking back I produced a lot of resources in a short time, as shown in this Padlet -

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